Monday, August 23, 2010

Litter on the bus - Whose fault?

Last Thursday, I remember taking a bus with Jong home and noticed the remains of a very inconsiderate commuter. This is what happened. . .

As I stepped into the bus, the first thing I noticed was the shreds of paper lying on the floor of the bus. These shreds of paper were not drifting across the floor of the bus, but instead were stuck firmly to the ground, hence proving that it was there a long time already. The next thing I noticed was the bubble tea cup lying on the floor with ants in it, once again proving that it has been there for quite long. This led me to think – Whose fault is it?

After thinking for a while, I realize that there were 2 people at fault here. The first is obviously the person that littered on the bus. They might not be the same person, but their crimes are the same, which is littering. Littering is frowned upon in a place like Singapore, who prides itself in being a clean and green city. Littering, on a more serious note, is strictly prohibited on the bus and the person who littered can be fined up to a few hundred dollars. The person who drank the bubble tea in the bus is even worse. He should not even be drinking drinks in the bus as there are clear signals to remind you not to consume any drinks onboard the bus, mainly for the reason to prevent such things from happening.

However, it is also the bus drivers’ fault as well. According to my understanding, the bus driver is supposed to be in charge of maintaining the bus’ cleanliness and working condition. Obviously, he has not been doing his duty well. If he is, these litters would not have still remained on the bus for such a long time. Hence the bus driver is at fault.

From here, we can conclude that everyone has a part to play in keeping the environment clean, from everyday commuters like us, to the bus driver himself.

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